In the article, the author analyses the processes of creation of Ukrainian neo-phraseological units, traces their sources, their features of phraseologization, identifies different groups of phraseological neo-logic and provides a stylistic and sociolinguistic interpretation. As the analysis shows, many of these modern neo-phraseological units are either created in a virtual communication space, or spread and gain popularity through Internet platforms in the form of memes. Since text Internet memes have not yet been studied in terms of their phraseologization, we consider this area of research relevant. The paper uses a descriptive method, as well as methods of semantic and contextual analysis. The vast majority of memes and phraseological units are a reaction to events in socio-political and socio-cultural life; they represent current topics, which reflect stereotypes, mythologies of mass consciousness, values. The neology material analyzed here shows that quite often phrases-replicas are marked by certain stability and reproducibility; they are widespread due to the typicality of situations in which they can be used, and updated expressiveness. Despite the tendency to universalize the sphere of communication in the Ukrainian environment, there are lots of clichéd phrases related to Ukrainian characters and events.
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