In the Ukrainian literary language of the first two decades of the 21st century we can observe the simultaneous functioning of several grammatical varieties of temporal construction, consisting of the case or prepositional-case form of the noun and the agreed attributive component (adjective, pronoun, numeral). This variability of grammatical forms of temporal construction predefinеs changes in the grammatical design of the semantics of time. The diversity of grammatical forms of temporal construction causes difficulties related to the problems of their priority and accordance with modern grammatical norms. The aim of this article is to analyze the changes that have occurred in the grammatical expression of the semantics of time over the past hundred years of Ukrainian literary language, and to establish which of the temporal constructions correspond to the long-standing Ukrainian tradition. Attention is focused primarily on those grammatical constructions that are actively used in the language practice of the 21st century. Based on the analysis of lexicographic and scientific sources of different chronological sections, the semantic and syntactic features of these temporal constructions are determined, which allowed practical recommendations for their correct and appropriate use to be developed and proposed.
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