The Maria Zankovetska Theater in Lviv in the process of social and cultural transformations of the late 1980s–1990s.
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Maria Zankovetska Theater
history of theater
directing, repertoire
social context
culture of Ukraine

How to Cite

Batytska, T. (2022). The Maria Zankovetska Theater in Lviv in the process of social and cultural transformations of the late 1980s–1990s. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 91–104.


The article investigates the influence of social and cultural transformations of the late 1980–1990s on the work of one of the largest and historically oldest theater groups in Ukraine – the Maria Zankovetska National Theater. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of the repertoire strategy of the theater and the work of its leading directors in the historical context. Attention is focused on the activities of the main director of the theater from 1987–2019, Fedir Stryhun, who determined the creative processes in the team, as well as the directors Alla Babenko and Vladyslav Sikorskyi, and other manifestations of public activity of theater artists. As a result of the research, the educational component of the team’s work is highlighted and described as dominant at this time. It was seen in filling gaps in the minds of viewers, their ideas about their own country, cultural and historical heritage. The integrity of the period of the Zankovetska Theater 1980–2010 is emphasized and the impact of the socially significant creative program of the 1990s on the following years of his work.
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