The question of the identification of woman writers in 1910–1930’s Soviet Ukraine
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women’s text
women’s literature
women’s space
Ukrainian writers
proletarian writers
Soviet writers

How to Cite

Demska-Budzuliak, L. (2022). The question of the identification of woman writers in 1910–1930’s Soviet Ukraine. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 137–151.


The article is devoted to an analysis of the works of women writers from Central Ukraine during the 1920s and 1930s from the point of view of their cultural identification in the new Soviet reality. Currently, most of these women authors are unexplored and exist outside the literary canon. Feminist, cultural and sociological studies provide the theoretical framework for the article. The aim of the research is to find out how women’s literature from that time was positioned in the cultural and political space and the literary hierarchy. We distinguish three groups of women writers based on a study of their aesthetic basis and ideological beliefs, – Ukrainian writers, Proletarian writers, and Soviet writers. The first group was characterized by an appeal to modernist aesthetics and national issues. The work of the second group was inspired by proletarian aesthetics, themes of revolutionary struggle and women’s experience of various social groups. The work of the third group was based on the method of socialist realism, the theme of building a new Soviet reality, and the search for the place and role of women in the historical context.
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