Ars Memoriae in the literary interpretation of Serhij Osoka
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individual memory
collective memory

How to Cite

Pukhonska, O. (2022). Ars Memoriae in the literary interpretation of Serhij Osoka. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 179–191.


The article presents research on a very important problem, which has become extremely widespread in Ukrainian society and culture during the last years. It is a revision of memory as a constructive element of the contemporary Ukrainian national consciousness. The research is based on Serhij Osoka’s book Три лини для Марії (Three Tench for Mariia). The different stories included in the book are connected by the same strategy – rethinking the hero’s life experience, mostly that of his childhood. The main value of such a literary strategy is that the writer presents the personal memories of his hero against the background of collective memory. The last one shaped by the stories of people who have disappeared without a trace in the background of history.
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