Simile is viewed as a multifaceted phenomenon deeply rooted in cognitive and lingual peculiarities of an ethnos. Applying a complex approach to simile analysis, it being a study case of the hyponym flower and hyperonym poppy, simile proves to be a fundamental lingual and cognitive phenomenon. It reflects the essential and consistent relationships between the objects of comparison in their lingual form. It is the result of the cognitive segmentation of the outer world whose effect is the comparison of mental images on the basis of a common feature; their verbalization following the corresponding phonetic, morphemic, lexical forms and grammatical constructions with a specific functional load. Simile is the endlessness of images, symbols and concepts to be reverbalised in translation.
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Галицько-руські народні приповідки, у 3 томах, зібрав, упорядкував і пояснив Др. Іван Франко, Львів 2006, 2-ге вид., т. 2, с. 500.
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