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Horniatko-Szumiłowicz, A. (2017). CATEGORY OF KEEPING SILENT IN MYKOLA KHVYLIOVYI’S NOVEL I (ROMANCE). Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 5, 237–247.


The article focuses on the realization of the category of keeping silent in the novel I (Romance) written by Mykola Khvyliovyi. The punctuation marks such as “three dots”, horizontal prick-lines found in the text, parceling constructions as the materialized sign of the disagreement have been singled out among the graphic means of the reflection of the category of keeping silent in the text analized. Besides Mykola Khvyliovyi uses the words to nominate silence / keeping silent: the nouns (“silence”, “stillness”), the adjectives (“silent”, “deserted”, “deaf”, “dead”), the adverbs (“silently”, “hollowly”), the verbs (“to keep silent”, “to rustle” etc.). The appeal to the eye images by means of the repetition of the verbs “to look”, “to see”, “to glance”, “to peer”, “to watch, “to look back” is one more different way of the explication of the silence effect in the text. In the novel the characters, the town and the nature keep silent confirming the absence of possibility to express real feelings by words and consequently, everything is told by keeping silent and keeping silent is able to express everything.
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