Wasyl Tkaczuk – utwory nieznane

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Vasyl Tkachuk
unknown works
short story
Ukrainian literature

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Horniatko-Szumiłowicz, A. (2022). Wasyl Tkaczuk – utwory nieznane. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 119–135. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2022.10.1.07


Aside from 58 novels by Vasyl Tkachuk collected by his daughter, Olga Hoffman, from four published anthologies (Сині чічки, 1935; Золоті дзвінки, 1936; Зимова мельодія, 1938; Весна, 1940) and released by her in a single tome named Сині чічки (2013), twelve works by this forgotten novelist remain entirely unknown to most readers. In-depth analysis confirms that most of them don’t deviate in quality when compared to the works published in Tkachuk’s lifetime, in the aforementioned four anthologies. The novels may be traditional, sometimes even stereotypical in their themes, but at the same time, can surprise the reader when it comes to poetics and stylistics. Despite being conventional stories about village life set in the 1920s and 1930s (according to the 1930s critic Mykhailo Rudnytskyi, these were “humble rural pictures, touching to the core with their simplicity and primitivism”), the rich spectrum of stylistic and linguistic devices present there resulted in them being true gems of Ukrainian literature. Without a doubt, it can be said that these works maintain a form of continuity and thematic-stylistic unity with the anthologized legacy of Vasyl Tkachuk.



Horniatko-Szumiłowicz A., „Skromne obrazki wiejskie” Wasyla Tkaczuka (szkic do portretu pisarza zapomnianego) [“Modest rural pictures” by Vasyl Tkaczuk (sketch for a portrait of a forgotten writer)], [w:] „Studia et Documenta Slavica” 2017, nr 1, s. 9–21.

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Buria Vasylia Tkachuka (Pro zabutu novelu „Zahublenoho talantu”) [Storm of Vasyl Tkachuk (About the forgotten short story “Lost Talent”)], [v:] „Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia”, 2018, no. 6, s. 197–205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2018.6.24

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Vasyl Tkachuk. Mizh tradytsiieiu i novatorstvom. Narys problematyky [Vasyl Tkachuk. Between tradition and innovation. Problem characteristics], [v:] Tożsamość ukraińska wobec przemian XVII–XXI w., red. K. Jakubowska-Krawczyk, A. Nowacki, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017, s. 141–157.

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Zabuti imena: Vasyl Tkachuk ochyma rodychiv y odnoselchan (na osnovi aktualnykh interviu) [Forgotten names: Vasyl Tkachuk through the eyes of relatives and fellow villagers (based on current interviews)], [v:] „Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie”, 2021, no. 8, s. 126–141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31338/2451-2958spu.8.9

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Iz metoiu „pidshukuvannia novykh dynamichnykh form vyslovu”. „Dvanadtsiatka” yak avanhardne yavyshche v ukrainskii literaturi [In order to find new dynamic forms of expression. “Twelve” as an avant-garde phenomenon in Ukrainian literature], [v:] „Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne”, 2020, no. 18, s. 125–144.

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Maisternist zmaliuvannia zhinochykh postatei v novelistytsi Vasylia Tkachuka [The art of depicting female figures in Vasyl Tkachuk’s short stories], [v:] Kobieta w zwierciadle języka i kultury, red. A. Archangielska, M. Hordy, Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2017, s. 481–499.

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Na terezakh doli (Motyvy y obrazy smerti u novelistytsi Vasylia Tkachuka) [On the scales of fate (Motives and images of death in the short story by Vasyl Tkachuk)], [v:] „Slavica Wratislaviensia”, 2019, no. 13.2., s. 123–135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1150.168.10

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Symvol chichky v novelistytsi Vasylia Tkachuka [The symbol of chichka in Vasyl Tkachuk’s short stories], [v:] „Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia”, 2019, no. 7, s. 165–173. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2019.7.18

Horniatko-Shumylovych A., Uspadkovani spohady: Olha Hoffmann vel Tkachuk povertaie pamiat pro batka [Inherited memories: Olga Hoffmann vel Tkachuk brings back memories of father], [v:] „Slavica Wratislaviensia”, 2021, no. 14, s. 221–232. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1150.173.18

Rudnytskyi M., Silskyi khlopchyna dyvytsia na svit [Rural boy looks at the world], „Dilo”, 19.11.1935.

Fedor Kh., Istoryko-kulturna spadshchyna Vasylia Tkachuka [Historical and cultural heritage of Vasyl Tkachuk], [v:] „Spheres of Culture”, 2014, t. XVIII, s. 97–105.

Fedor Kh., Kolorystyka tvoriv Vasylia Tkachuka u vysvitlenni ideino-khudozhnikh dominant prozy pysmennyka [Coloristics of Vasyl Tkachuk’s works in the coverage of ideological and artistic dominants of the writer’s prose], „Humanitarna osvita v tekhnichnykh vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh”, 2014, no. 30, s. 235–243.

Tkachuk V., Velykden ide [Easter is coming], „Zhinocha dolia”, 1933, nr 8.

Tkachuk V., Vesillia na Pokutti [Wedding at Pokut], „Zhyttia i znannia”, 1935, nr 97.

Tkachuk V., Vino [Dowry], „Novyi chas”, 1936, nr 118, 119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/002205743611900414

Tkachuk V., Huliala Marusia [Marusya was walking], „Novyi chas”, 1938, nr 23.

Tkachuk V., Do Brazylii [To Brazil], „Nedilia” 1934, nr 35.

Tkachuk V., Zabukhtuvavsy [Puffed up], „Novyi chas”, 1935, nr 128.

Tkachuk V., Za nevistku Yakovykhy [For Jacob’s daughter-in-law], „Dazhboh”, 1935, nr 7.

Tkachuk V., Pidpal [Arson], „Novyi chas”, 1935 nr 93.

Tkachuk V., Rubaiut verby [Willows are cut down], „Novyi chas”, 1935, nr 88.

Tkachuk V., Takyi zvychai [Such a custom], „Nedilia”, 1935, nr 12.

Tkachuk V., Trembita klyche [Trembita calls], „Novyi chas”, 1935, nr 117, 118.

Tkachuk V., Khustka [Shawl], „Hospodarsko-kooperatyvnyi chasopys”, 1934, nr 49.