The Theology and Symbol of the Altar in the Prayers of the Rite of Dedication of an Altar
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an altar
the gathering
the Cross
the Body and Blood of Christ

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Kwiatkowski, D. (2017). The Theology and Symbol of the Altar in the Prayers of the Rite of Dedication of an Altar. Teologia Praktyczna, (18), 183–199.


This article reveals the rich symbols and theology of the altar present in the most important prayers which compose the new Rite of Dedication of an Altar. Three of them, which are connected with the Rite very closely are the subjects of the analysis which has been done. These are: the Prayer of the Dedication of Water, the Litany of the Saints and the Prayer of Dedication of an Altar. Christ’s sacrifi ce on the Cross, made present in a bloodless way on the altar, purifi es the believers from their sins, and revives in them the purity of God’s children. The altar constitutes a place where the Church dwelling in heaven and the pilgrim Church on earth meet in a real way.
Most of the theological content is present in the solemn Prayer of Dedication of the altar. First of all, it presents the altar as a table of sacrifi ce and of the eucharistic banquet. The altar is a place around which the community of believers gather to be nourished by the Body of Christ. In the altar we should see the table of the eschatological banquet prepared by the Saviour in eternity for the believers who fulfi ll his commandment of love on earth. The theology of the prayers shows very clearly that a dedicated altar is the most important structure and focal point of each church.
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