Holiness as a subject of pastoral discernment
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Apostolic exhortation Gaudete et exsultate
characteristic features
call to holiness
pastoral discernment

How to Cite

Drożdż, B. (2018). Holiness as a subject of pastoral discernment. Teologia Praktyczna, (19), 25–37. https://doi.org/10.14746/tp.2018.19.02


On 19.03.2018, Pope Francis published the apostolic exhortation with the Latin title Gaudete et exsultate on the call to holiness in today’s world. This document can be seen from the perspective of pastoral discernment as a certain tool used in pastoral theology. Pastoral discernment can be defi ned as intellectual – spiritual and ontological – existential need of the Church which initiates and continues the saving work of evangelization of the world. Without doubt, holiness is an essential subject of pastoral discernment. Based upon this document one can perceive that the characteristic features of the right pastoral discernment suggested by Pope Francis are at the same time its criteria. These are: tolerance, patience and gentleness, joy and sense of humour, courage and enthusiasm, being in community, and remaining in constant prayer.

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