Always on the move. Migration as a factor that ... moves from the perspective of interreligious dialogue
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interreligious dialogue
pedagogy towards others
monotheistic religions
human mentality

How to Cite

Halczuk, P. (2018). Always on the move. Migration as a factor that . moves from the perspective of interreligious dialogue. Teologia Praktyczna, (19), 103–113.


Migrations of the population causes not only external changes in the form of cultural and religious diversity. They also contribute to the transformation of human thought about a “becoming” reality. The article is an attempt to present changes in the intellectual dimension from the perspective of interreligious dialogue. The so-called “internal migrations” have been shown as “movements” in several areas: in the (human) understanding of God, in the theological reflection of the Catholic Church on non-Christian monotheistic religions, in the pedagogical view at religiously and culturally different people and in the official interrelation of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The last of the “internal migrations” presented in the article, in the mentality of man, is the most difficult one. It will not be implemented by any document or intellectually (theologically, pedagogically etc.), though important and motivating, but by a personal critical look at oneself (the so-called “self-refl ection”) of everyone who deals with preaching, bringing up and educating.
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