Religious and pastoral issues of the Battle of Fraustadt (Wschowa) 1706
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battle of Fraustadt (Wschowa)
state religion
military ministry

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Kalbarczyk, A. (2018). Religious and pastoral issues of the Battle of Fraustadt (Wschowa) 1706. Teologia Praktyczna, (19), 141–153.


On 13 February 1706, on the territory of the Republic of Poland, close to its western border, between the villages of Dębowa Łęka and Osowa Sień a bloody battle took place that went down in history by the name of “the battle of Fraustadt”. Swedish troops led by general Karl Gustaf Rehnsköld routed the more numerous Saxon-Russian forces commanded by general Johann Matthias Schulenburg. The battle is considered to be one of the major battles of the Great Northern War (1700–1721). The battle of Fraustadt has been the subject of several detailed studies in the Polish, German and Swedish languages. All of them show the event mainly from the militaryhistorical perspective. The present article discusses two issues of the battle: confessional and pastoral. They make up two parts of the article: part one focuses on the signifi cance of religion in the countries participating in the battle and for their rulers; part two deals with military ministry in both armies in those times.
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