Renewal of preparation of engaged couples for marriage after the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia
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pastoral care

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Goleń, J. (2019). Renewal of preparation of engaged couples for marriage after the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia. Teologia Praktyczna, (20), 21–35.


After the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, the question arises as to the required renewal of the preparation of engaged couples for marriage in Poland. An analysis of the text of the exhortation allows us to extract the foundations of this renewal, i.e. appreciating the child-raising stage in the family and the stage of working with the engaged couples, as well as the appropriate selection of formative content, formation goals, its subject and the tasks of this process. Among the directions for the renewal of preparation for marriage, the papal document indicates the evangelization and mystagogical preparation of the engaged couple, helping the betrothed to get to know each other and to learn to love this particular person. It also emphasizes help in deepening the motivation to marry and in identifying incompatibilities and warning signs of the threats to mutual relations. The exhortation also sheds a bright light on the direction of pastoral work with couples living together “without marriage”. From the presented premises in the article, conclusions have been drawn regarding the forms of preparation of engaged couples.
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