Faithfulness to liturgical law faithfulness to Christ and the Church
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liturgical law
Eucharistic matter
Eucharistic prayer
Holy Communion

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Kwiatkowski, D. (2019). Faithfulness to liturgical law faithfulness to Christ and the Church . Teologia Praktyczna, (20), 99–113.


The article points out the necessity of fi delity to the liturgical law concerning the liturgy and especially the Eucharist. The liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council opened the possibility for various adaptations in the liturgy so that the faithful could participate in it in a more conscious and involved way. Regrettably, priests sometimes misinterpret this freedom and introduce changes in liturgical celebrations where it is not allowed to do so. This is especially linked to the Eucharist. It should be emphasized that all abuses and mistakes in the celebration of the Eucharist cause a darkening of the proper Catholic faith and teaching regarding this Sacrament. The most common cause of various mistakes and misuses is a spurious understanding of freedom, improper ecumenical practices, ignorance and, above all, lack of faith. The article justifi es the thesis that fi delity to liturgical law is at the same time fi delity to Christ and the Church. The basic source of the article is the instruction issued on 25th March 2004 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacra ments on the preservation and avoidance of certain things concerning the Holy Eucharist, called Redemptionis Sacramentum. In particular, the article deals with abuses regarding the matter of the Eucharist, Eucharistic prayer and Holy Communion.
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