The function of the confessor and the implementation of the sacramental service towards the spiritual needs of young people
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sacrament of penance and recon0ciliation
confessor’s competences

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Dolata, B. (2019). The function of the confessor and the implementation of the sacramental service towards the spiritual needs of young people. Teologia Praktyczna, (20), 115–127.


The sacrament of penance and reconciliation is a great gift for the Church. In it, man receives reconciliation with God and the Church, is purified and forms his Christian personality, brings to perfection his/her development of supernatural virtues and spiritual life. The confessor helps a person on this way. In the spirit of his calling, he serves as the Good Shepherd like Christ, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us (CCC 1465). The task that rests on the confessor is to take care of the people entrusted to him and to do this in the attitude of the servant who bends over the misery of man. The ministry of mercy, which the confessor performs, should always aim at the good of his fellow-creatures. Therefore, all directions given to the penitent should be adjusted so that they correspond as far as possible to his age and state. The article discusses the duties and competences of the priest. First, it presents the requirements for the sacrament, then their implementation in relation to the penitent, and finally shows the importance of these competences in the implementation of the sacramental service among young people, taking into consideration their expectations and problems.
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