Religiosity and the attitude to death penalty
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religious attitude
type of religiosity
attitude to death penalty

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Korczyński, T., & Śliwak, J. (2019). Religiosity and the attitude to death penalty. Teologia Praktyczna, (20), 129–151.


The main purpose of the analysis presented in this paper is to search for connections between religiosity and the attitude to death penalty. The paper focuses on the question: is there any connection between one’s religiosity and his (her) attitude to death penalty. The general assumption was that there is some connection between these variables. To verify the hypotheses that had been assumed, 100 respondents (55 women and 45 men) were tested by the following methods: The Scale of Relationship to God by D. Hutsebaut, the Religious Attitudes Scale by W. Prężyna, The Scale of Personal Religiousness by R. Jaworski and Scale of Attitudes to Death Penalty by Śliwak, Korczyński. The fi ndings confi rmed the main assumption that there is a connection between variables. Others hypotheses were partially confi rmed. Some diff erences were observed between the group of men and the group of women.
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