Human Dignity as a Moral Determinant of Human Resource Management of each Organization
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human dignity

How to Cite

Soczyński, S. (2015). Human Dignity as a Moral Determinant of Human Resource Management of each Organization. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 21–29.


Throughout our life, most of us belong to many organizations, which are intended to help achieve our goals, both individual and collective. Responsibility for the smooth and successful functioning of the organization lies with the members of its management team. The changing socio-economic conditions result in the search of new management models. Effectiveness and maximiza-tion of profit by organizations are important reasons for this search. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the need of an ethical component in the search, which should have human dignity as the most important value, and also to show what the recognition of human dignity as the superior value should result in during the different stages of the management process.
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