The Look of an Image. The Use of Imagery as Communication Strategy in Preaching
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homiletic theology
use of imagery
mass media

How to Cite

Szczepaniak, M. (2015). The Look of an Image. The Use of Imagery as Communication Strategy in Preaching. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 111–122.


The Homiletic Directory (2014), referring to the apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis Evan-gelii gaudium „On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World”, reminds contemporary preachers of the significance of using images in proclaiming the word of God: One of the most important things is to learn how to use images in preaching, how to appeal to imagery. The need of depiction is all the more pressing as we live in a visual culture, and modern man is sated by talk; he is obviously often tired of listening and, what is worse, impervious to words (Pope Paul VI). The article tackles the issue of the impact of images on the salvific mediation of the Church on the ground of homiletic theology and the theology of mass media. The author bases his argument on several avatars which function very successfully in today's world of electronic communication. He describes the process of appealing to imagination on the example of the image of a window, vase, emoticon, gramophone and vanishing.
The preacher paints pictures in the imagination of the listeners first of all by means of his own attitude: gestures, hand movement, look. Also articulation, a faster or slower pronunciation of sounds, as well as moments of silence can become important elements of imagery. The world of visual imagination is particularly compatible with metaphors and comparisons, analogies and suita-ble narration. The functionality of an image perceived in this way should take into account the character of the contemporary message, especially the media message.
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