Musical Sources in the Moxos Missions
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Jesuit missions in Bolivia
Jesuit baroque
Mission baroque
Bolivian baroque

How to Cite

Nawrot, P. (2016). Musical Sources in the Moxos Missions. Teologia Praktyczna, (17), 7–24.


Bolivia has preserved the richest, most voluminous and varied collections of music in America. In the last two decades and half, musicologists, musicians and historians have studied several of these musical collections. However, only the musical collection kept in the Missionary Archive in Moxos in San Ignacio de Moxos has, up to the present date, a reliable inventory and catalog. The music collection of the missions in Chiquitos has a truthful inventory; however, the catalog of this collection only has a preliminary version despite having passed almost three decades since the beginning of this work. Other musical collections have incomplete inventory and catalogs and not very reliable. Still, several musical collections do not have any of the reference that could guide researchers.
The repertoire kept in the musical archives in Bolivia is broad and it starts with collections of plain songs, going through almost all successive musical styles known around the Western world up to the present date.
The musical collection in Moxos is the second most important to study historic music and the most recent of missionary nature. What is truly unique about Moxos is the fact that it includes more than 100 compositions, vocal with instrumental accompaniment and more than 40 instrumental works with direct influence on the indigenous surroundings, due to the inclusion of texts in local tongues and rhythms, melodies and autochthonous instruments.
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