Bishop Dominique Rey about the Missionary Parish
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new evangelization
pastoral program

How to Cite

Celary, I. (2016). Bishop Dominique Rey about the Missionary Parish. Teologia Praktyczna, (17), 77–92.


This article is based on the reflection of Bishop Dominique Rey on the missionary mandate of the parish in the twenty-first century. Its structure consists of three chapters. The first chapter presents pastoral and academic achievements of Bishop Rey, especially in terms of evangelization. Then the article presents a brief analysis of current threats, to which - according to Dominique Rey – a modern parish is exposed. The third part of the article shows indications formulated by the Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon to contribute to the greater awakening of the missionary spirit in each parish community. In his teaching, Dominique Rey also remembers that evangelization must start from deepening our personal relationship with Christ. Every priest in parishes and all parishioners should keep this in mind.
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