The Proclamation of the Word of God as the Church's Mission in the World on the Basis of the Apostolic Exhortation of Benedict XVI Verbum Domini
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Word of God
new evangelization

How to Cite

Kwiatkowski, D. (2016). The Proclamation of the Word of God as the Church’s Mission in the World on the Basis of the Apostolic Exhortation of Benedict XVI Verbum Domini. Teologia Praktyczna, (17), 93–106.


The article presents the Church as a proclaimer of the Gospel to the contemporary world in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini. In his teaching, Benedict XVI emphasizes very strongly the place and role of the word of God in the life of the Church and reminds us about the need to proclaim it to the whole world. The mission of proclaiming the Gospel was entrusted to the Church by Christ. This means that evangelization has been made an integral part of the Church’s nature. Proclaiming the word of God cannot be limited to chosen groups. The Holy Father teaches in Verbum Domini that the Church always has to be open to the Holy Spirit who sends her with the Good News to the ends of the world. Today, proclaiming the word of God has become an inherent part of the new evangelization. It is especially needed by secularized Christians everywhere. The word of God must also reach migrants, the suffering and the poor. By receiving the word of God man is led to an active engagement in the life of the world and takes part in its transformation according to the precepts of the Gospel. All Christians must take part in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel and transforming the world.
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