»Mercy is Jesus Forsaken«. Reflection in the Light of the Spiritual Experience of Chiara Lubich
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Chiara Lubich
Jesus Forsaken

How to Cite

Wasiutyńska, K. (2016). »Mercy is Jesus Forsaken«. Reflection in the Light of the Spiritual Experience of Chiara Lubich. Teologia Praktyczna, (17), 179–190. https://doi.org/10.14746/tp.2016.17.12


In the mysterious  Jesus’ cry on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15, 34) Chiara Lubich (1920-2008) reads the fullest revelation of God’s love and mercy. As a young woman, she chooses Jesus Forsaken as the ideal of her life, the only Spouse; a precious testimony of this first period are her letters of the years 1943–1949. The summer of 1949 brings her a deep, mystical experience in which she penetrates the mystery of triune God thanks to a particular unity with the Son. Her return to the world will henceforth be marked with a desire to transfer
the same experience to the relationships with other people and the whole creation. For Chiara to participate in the mercy of God is to have his pure look which transforms every encountered suffering and sin into love.
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