Social media in the Ecclesial Practice in Poland. Empirical Research Among Deacons
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social media
new evangelisation

How to Cite

Brzezińska-Waleszczyk, M. (2016). Social media in the Ecclesial Practice in Poland. Empirical Research Among Deacons. Teologia Praktyczna, (17), 233–248.


The Author attempts to evaluate the actions of the Catholic Church in social media. For this purpose, a survey was made in a group of deacons, as a people ordained for tasks of service in the Church. The Author examines the types of activities and the frequency of use of social media, as well as the popularity of the selected channels. Asks an important question, as they surveyed assess the role of modern media in their ministry, and explores the knowledge of otherecclesial initiatives. Based on the survey outlines conclusions of using social media in the service of evangelization are drawn. The Author formulates demands as well (eg. increasing the competences).
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Komisja Episkopatu Polski ds. kultu Bożego i dyscypliny sakramentów: Zmodyfikowana instrukcja w sprawie posług oraz święceń udzielanych w seminariach duchownych. Tekst: (dostęp: 13.05.2015). (dostęp: 18.05.2015).