Issues regarding Article 58 of the Act of 7 July 2023 on Amending the Act on Spatial Planning and Development and Other Particular Acts
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spatial planning system
interpretation of the law
renewable energy sources
zoning decision
building permission

How to Cite

Pelczar, S. (2024). Issues regarding Article 58 of the Act of 7 July 2023 on Amending the Act on Spatial Planning and Development and Other Particular Acts. Zeszyt Prawniczy UAM, (14), 97–107.


The article aims to indicate the issues of Article 58 of the Act on 7 July 2023 on Amending the Act on Spatial Planning and Development and certain other acts, and to indicate the role that the regulation in question plays in the spatial planning system. The method adopted in this article consists in analysing and interpreting the norm present in the provision indicated. It seems that this study is the first in the literature to indicate the importance of the content of Article 58.
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