Treść głównego artykułu


Educational and teacher training institutions for Jewish children and adolescents had a long and well-established tradition in Poland. Institutional forms of preschool education call for special attention, all the more so that the remaining national and ethnic minorities did not run their own kindergartens in Poland after WWII. In these circumstances, Jewish kindergartens were a striking exception. Ultimately, they suffered the same fate as the other educational and teacher training institutions managed by entities not welcomed by the Communist party and government in Poland, inspired by Marx’s and Lenin’s ideologies, whose guidelines from the communist headquarters in Moscow imposed a monopolistic vision of so-called socialist education and upbringing.

Słowa kluczowe

national and ethnic minorities Jewish education Jewish kindergartens nationalization of education education in the Polish People’s Republic national and ethnic minorities Jewish education Jewish kindergartens nationalization of education education in the Polish People’s Republic

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Wiśniewska, M. . (2019). Upaństwowienie przedszkoli żydowskich w Polsce „ludowej”. Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, (40), 71–83.


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