The battle of Rovine between Mircea the Elde (the hospodar of Wallachia) and Bayezid I (the sultan of the Ottoman Empire) is a conventional term created by historians. In reality, it probably took place near the Wallachian capital of Argeş and on the river of the same name („na rowinach” or „in the ramparts”). The commonly accepted date, May 17, 1395, should be also treated conventionally. This is the date of the death of Constantine Dejanović Dragaš, who was killed at the time, but it is not known whether he died exactly on the day of the battle or later. In addition, it is likely that the battle did not last one day - one Ottoman source even speaks of a week. The news about the outcome of the battle is also contradictory. It was not resolved, both armies suffered very heavy losses, but they separated and retained their fighting ability. Bayezid I had enough forces to attack Nikopol and finally liquidate the Tsar of Bulgaria. Mircea retreated to Transylvania and joined his forces with Sigismund of Luxembourg's troops, with whom he recaptured Little Nikopol, or Turnu. The political situation of Wallachia after the battle of Rovine is unclear - almost all sources speak of the conclusion of peace and the payment of tribute by the hospodar. In reality, however, Mircea lost power in his capital to Vlad the Usurper. It is unclear whether Vlad was put on the throne by Bayezid I, or whether he took advantage of Mircea's difficulties and made some deals with the sultan. There is also no source basis for the claim that he was put on the throne by the Poles. The Polish royal couple, other than accepting the tribute document, did absolutely nothing about it.
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