„Ja” na pięć głosów rozpisane? Wielogłosowość madrygału od 1950 roku

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genre studies
20 th -century music
21st -century music
early music

Jak cytować

Micał, D. (2021). „Ja” na pięć głosów rozpisane? Wielogłosowość madrygału od 1950 roku. Res Facta Nova. Teksty O Muzyce współczesnej, (22 (31), 40–56. https://doi.org/10.14746/rfn.2021.22.4

Liczba wyświetleń: 212

Liczba pobrań: 90


Surprisingly, since 1950, at least 500 works connected to the madrigal, and among them at least 454 madrigals, have been written. Unfortunately, a comprehensive musicological or theoretical-musical approach to that issue has been lacking so far. Using the genre studies perspective, the article aims to show how some composers working in the second half of the 20th–century and in the 21st–century respond to the early madrigal in terms of one of the most important madrigal characteristics – its polyphonic scoring and texture. That aspect, criticised by theorists at the end of the 17 th century, became the source of diverse musical reinterpretation in contemporary pieces by, among others: Luciano Berio, Christophe Bertrand, Harrison Birtwistle, George Crumb, Beat Furrer, Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, Paul Hindemith, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Henri Pousseur, Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil, John Rutter, Johannes Schöllhorn, Salvatore Sciarrino, Marek Stachowski, Alfred Schnittke, Pēteris Vasks, Agata Zubel. A number of aspects of polyphony are taken into consideration: type of polyphonic means (canons, fugue, passacaglia, etc.), their function (structural, semantic, emotional, etc.), and their meaning (c.f. their role in the process of constructing the subject of given works).



Partytury i nagrania (Scores and recordings)

Berio Luciano, A–Ronne, Universal Edition, Wien 1975.

Bertrand Christophe, Madrigal, Ricordi, Milano 2016.

Birtwistle Harrison, On the Sheer Threshold of the Night, Universal Edition, London 1980.

Birtwistle Harrison, Neruda Madrigales, Boosey & Hawkes, London 2005.

Brunner Eduard, Music for Solo Clarinet, CD, Naxos 2011.

Combs Larry, Clarinet Solos, Duos, Trios, CD, Mark Records 2012.

Crumb George, Madrigals. Book I–IV, Edition Peters, Leipzig–London–New York 1971.

Furrer Beat, Madrigal, Universal Edition, Wien 1992.

Haubenstock-Ramati Roman, Madrigal, Universal Edition, Wien 1970.

Hindemith Paul, Fünfstimmige Madrigale nach Texten von Josef Weinheber, B. Schott’s Söhne, Mainz 1958.

Kagel Mauricio, Schwarzes Madrigal, Edition Peters, Leipzig–London–New York 1999.

Ligeti György, Nonsense Madrigals, Schott, Mainz 1999.

Nono Luigi, La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura. Madrigale per più „caminantes” con Gidon Kremer, Ricordi, Milano 1989.

Pousseur Henri, Madrigal, Universal Edition, London 1963.

Pousseur Henri, Madrigal III, Universal Edition, London 1966.

Pstrokońska-Nawratil Grażyna, Algorytm snu wielkiego miasta. Madrygał II, PWM, Kraków 2003.

Rutter John, Brithday Madrigals, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995.

Schöllhorn Johannes, Madrigali a Dio, materiały kompozytora.

Sciarrino Salvatore, 12 Madrigali, Rai Trade, Roma–Milano 2006.

Stachowski Marek, Madrigali dell’estate, PWM, Kraków 1987.

Sznitke Alfred, Drei Madrigale, Sikorski Verlag, Hamburg 1981.

Sznitke Alfred, Madrigal in memoriam Oleg Kagan, Sikorski Verlag, Hamburg 1991.

Vasks Pēteris, Madrigāls, Schott, Mainz 2006.

Zubel Agata, Madrigals, materiały kompozytorki.

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