The Archives of the University of Wroclaw have preserved folders with documents related to the studies, the defense of the doctorate and the employment at the University of Wroclaw of S. Parnicki-Pudełko. They show the unconventional character and unusual career path of the young scientist. By the way, through these documents we get to know him as a committed patriot and social activist. Already at that time, his significant intellectual potential was noted, his enthusiasm for work and his excellent development was rightly predicted. Living in extremely difficult times, he knew how to maintain decency. In the later years of his life and career, he was associated with the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and then the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan where he spread his wings as a professor and head of the Novae archaeological expedition.
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Żmudziński M. 2022, The Beginnings of Etnoarchaeology in post-war Poland, „Bulletin of the History of Archaeology”, nr 32 (1): 4, s. 1-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/bha-663
Żmudziński M. 2024, Remarks on the Polish University under Communist Totalitarianism – a Case Study of the Univerity of Wrocław, w: M. Mays (red.), A Comprehensive History of Post-Communism, Colonialism, Totalitarianism, and Secularism, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., s. 121-141.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Mateusz Żmudziński

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