Adverbes et objets du prédicat nager – comparaison avec le polonais
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motion verb
directed motion

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Kaliska, A. (2015). Adverbes et objets du prédicat nager – comparaison avec le polonais. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 42(1), 35–47.


This article focuses on the analysis of the semantic and syntactic properties of the motion verb nager in order to determine its objects and adverbs, according to the criterion of non-selection represented inde- pendently by different syntacticians or semanticians. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of  a comparative investigation with French and Polish as the main reference languages. The author’s goal is to compare the argument structures of the predicate nager and its homologues: pływa and płyn, in order to verify the universal status of their presuppositions and selectionnal restrictions.
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