The impact of gender on attainment in learning English as a foreign language


learning English as a foreign language

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Główka, D. (2014). The impact of gender on attainment in learning English as a foreign language. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(4), 617–635.

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This study examined the impact of gender on students’ achievement in learning English as a for-eign language in secondary and higher vocational schools in Poland, as well as teachers’ and stu-dents’ opinions concerning the importance of this influence. The collected data provided ample evidence that girls achieved significantly better results than boys. Such results support the socio-linguistic finding that female students outperform males as they are more open to new linguistic forms in the target language and eradicate interlanguage forms that deviate from target lan-guage norms more readily than their male counterparts (Ellis, 2012). However, these findings were not reflected in the opinions of the student and teacher participants. Both parties held a strong conviction that gender played no major role in learning English. The article concludes by outlining some implications for educational policy makers and foreign language teachers.


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