Current Issue
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (ISSN 2083-5205) is a refereed journal published four times a year by the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland. The language of publication is English. The journal is devoted to reporting previously unpublished highest quality theoretical and empirical research on learning and teaching second and foreign languages. It deals with the learning and teaching of any language, not only English, and focuses on a variety of topics ranging from the processes underlying second language acquisition, various aspects of language learning in instructed and non-instructed settings, as well as different facets of the teaching process, including syllabus choice, materials design, classroom practices and evaluation. Each issue carries about 6 papers, 6000-8000 words in length, as well as reply articles and reviews. Submissions are subjected to an anonymous review process conducted by at least two referees who may be members of the Editorial Board and other leading specialists in the field. Authors are notified of acceptance or rejection of their papers within three months of the submission date.
Social Sciences Citation Index (WoS Core Collection); Journal Citation Reports Social Sciences (WoS); Scopus; European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS); Education Resources Information Center (ERIC); Index Copernicus; Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL); The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); The MLA International Bibliography; The MLA Directory of Periodicals; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO; Linguistic Abstracts; WorldCat (OCLC); Current Contents – Social and Behavioral Sciences (WoS); Essential Science Indicators (WoS)

CiteScore (2021): 6.1 (74%)
CiteScoreTracker: 4.7 (update 05.03.2023)
IF: 3.715 (5 year); 2.352 (2021)- Data from the edition of Journal Citation Reports
SJR 2021: 1.757
SNIP 2021: 2.323
MNiSW: 100
Google Scholar Metrics h5: 23 (06.2021)
Google Scholar Metrics h5-median: 32 (06.2021)
Google Scholar h-index: 39 (06.2021)
DOI: 10.14746 /ssllt
ISSN: 2083-5205
e-ISSN: 2084–1965
Attribution 4.0 International License.
Changes in editorial policy (book reviews) and submission guidelines (APA 7th ed.)
As of 2021 SSLLT will consider for publication only solicited book reviews. This means that authors should no longer submit book reviews of their own accord. Contact with the Editor in Chief Mirosław Pawlak ( is necessary prior to the writing of a book review.
As of 2021 SSLLT requires manuscripts to follow the new, seventh edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Basic information about the style can be found at:
APA Style (7th ed.) Quick Reference (Cardina Stritch University Library)
APA Style (7th ed.) Quick Guide (Dalhousie University Libraries)
SSLLT to be indexed in Web of Science's Social Sciences Citation Index (Linguistics) and Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences (Communication)
We are very happy to announce that SSLLT is now indexed in the following Web of Science products :
Social Sciences Citation Index (Linguistics)
Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences (Communication)
We have just been informed that SSLLT meets the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) quality and impact selection criteria. This means that SSLLT should appear in the June 2021 release of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and receive a Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF).