Imperative forms in three translations of Luke Gospel into Hausa language
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Hausa (language)
Translations - Bible
Luke Gospel

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BOGUSIAK, M. (2010). Imperative forms in three translations of Luke Gospel into Hausa language. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, 17, 107–114.

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Hausa in one of the most important and well known African language. It is used in northern Nigeria and in the south of Niger. There were several attempts to translate Bible into Hausa. It is believed that every next translation should be better, because languages are in permanent change and the biblical knowledge is still developing. In this text I would like to examine, which versions of Luke Gospel in Hausa (translated in 1932, 1979 or in 1996), take into consideration nuances in building imperative forms. There are two ways to express imperative in Hausa, but only one in Greek
(the original language of Luke Gospel). I present several examples to show, that translators choose different imperative forms in the same verse. I examine which version takes into account context of given example.
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