Treść głównego artykułu


In this paper, I analyse the educational and teaching systems developed for boys joining Vilnius craft workshops. The boys worked (participating in production) and prepared themselves for their future profession. In my paper, I present the educational and teaching paths leading to an apprentice assuming the status of a fellow. It is interesting how the students operated in the structures of the guild workshops and what skills they possessed. The research does not encompass the sons of master craftsmen and out-of-guild craftsmen who would come to Vilnius and attempt to join the craft guilds. These issues require a separate analysis. It was not my intention to provide a holistic study of the issue; rather, I revised and supplemented Józef Morzy’s research in which he partly analysed craft guilds in Vilnius with respect to the essential work skills. In my analysis, I made use of the statutes of the craft guilds operating in Vilnius, one of the biggest cities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in the early modern period.

Słowa kluczowe

Vilnius craftsmen professional education craft guild 17th and 18th century Vilnius craftsmen professional education craft guild 17th and 18th century

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Manyś, B. . (2019). Uczeń w szeregach rzemieślniczych. System edukacyjny i wychowawczy chłopców w wileńskich cechach w dobie wczesnonowożytnej w świetle statutów cechowych. Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, (40), 7–23.


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