К вопросу о переселении албанцев в Бессарабию в начале XIX в.

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албанскиe колонии

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Думиника, И. (2013). К вопросу о переселении албанцев в Бессарабию в начале XIX в. Balcanica Posnaniensia Acta Et Studia, 20, 95–103. https://doi.org/10.14746/bp.2013.20.8


The work is devoted to researching the evolution of the scientific interpretations and assessments of the settlement process of the southern part of Bessarabia by Albanian colonists. The article aims at analyzing the late-date historiographical works and investigations of modern, inter-war, postwar and contemporary periods concerning the topic of the migration of Balkan refugees to the territory of Bessarabia in the beginning of the 19th century. On the basis of the historiographical analysis, the following conclusions have been drawn: the research has pointed out the distinct stages and tendencies concerning the aforementioned process. The revision of the sources from that period and the analysis of the contemporary sources give us a possibility to understand the controversies existing in the interpretations of the colonization of Bessarabia at the beginning of the 19th century. In order to elucidate the investigated problem, two basic concepts have been traced out: one from the tsarist imperialist perspective (as in the case of the historiography before Pre-revolution and the Soviet period), and another one from the inter-war and contemporary Bulgarian and Romanian point view. The analysis of the sources and of the research on this subject reveals the scarcity of any specialized studies dealing with the mentioned problem. Moreover, certain important problems are not investigated. Hence, the need to investigate those issues and to find the new sources which would elucidate these problems.


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