Uważność a radzenie sobie ze stresem u kobiet i mężczyzn
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Stańko-Kaczmarek, M., Kardasz, Łukasz, Koza, J., Piwońska, M., Siwińska, W., & Sokołowska, K. (2023). Uważność a radzenie sobie ze stresem u kobiet i mężczyzn. Człowiek I Społeczeństwo, 55, 141–162. https://doi.org/10.14746/cis.2023.55.8


The study aimed to expand knowledge of the relationship between mindfulness trait and coping styles in stressful situations, taking into account gender differences. Based on previous research findings, it was expected that mindfulness would be positively associated with Active Coping and Seeking Support styles and negatively associated with Avoidant Coping and Helplessness styles. In addition, differences in levels of mindfulness and coping styles were expected between women and men, as well as a moderating effect of gender on the relationship between mindfulness and coping styles. The study included 259 participants. The Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory in the short version and the Mini-CO PE Inventory were used. A positive correlation was observed between the level of mindfulness and strategies from the Active coping group. A negative correlation between mindfulness and Helplessness strategies was also found. The results also showed that women had significantly lower levels of the mindfulness trait and a greater tendency to use the Support Seeking, Avoidant Behavior, and Helplessness styles than men. In addition, women with higher mindfulness had a lower tendency to use the Helplessness style, while this relationship was not significant for men. The study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between mindfulness and stress coping by gender.



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