About the Journal

Aims and Scope

"Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" [Human and Society] – Adam Mickiewicz University academic journal, managed by the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science and Faculty of Sociology. It has been published since 1984 in the printed version, later also in electronic form. The founder as well as first Editor-in-Chief was prof. Krystyna Zamiara. It concentrates on a human being within the context of contemporary culture. The journal is distinguished by its interdisciplinary approach which results from the use of various methods and theories, characteristic of particular fields such as philosophy, cognitive studies, cultural studies, psychology, and sociology.

The principal objective of this journal is to overcome interdisciplinary barriers, to integrate research in the field of social studies, and to identify new research areas which require an interdisciplinary approach. The journal also aims, mainly through initiating discussions, to present new points of view on the issues associated with humanities and social sciences, and in consequence - contribute to their development.
The journal does not charge the authors any fees related to the process of publication.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate, open access to all its content based on the principle that the research published under open access policy accelerates the spreading, impact and the development of scholarship and the exchange of knowledge. 

Publishing Ethics

"Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" [Human and Society] is a peer-reviewed journal, based on Open Access, meeting the principles established by Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE). In order to ensure high standards, the journal requires that editors, authors, and reviewers comply with following rules:

1. Editors shall be ethically responsible for the authors, reviewers, and readers of the journal. They shall be responsible for the published content in particular.
2. Editors shall choose the reviewers based on their academic expertise. They shall also avoid the potential conflict of interest.
3. Editors shall mediate between the author and reviewer, providing them with all the necessary materials and making sure that they comply with the established principles.
4. When making a decision about accepting an article for publication, editors shall take both its content and academic quality into account. The quality shall be confirmed by two independent reviewers. Editors shall also avoid discrimination based on gender, race, origin, religion, and sexual preferences.
5. Editors shall make every effort to remove the papers having characteristics of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghost authorship, guest autorship, gift authorship, and fabrication of data. In the case of discovering such practices, editors shall inform appropriate authorities.
6. If the aforementioned practices are discovered after publication, editors shall take appropriate measures to solve the problem.

1. Authors are required to ensure high quality of their manuscripts.
2. Authorship refers only those who made an important contribution to the creation of the manuscript.
3. Authors shall ensure that their manuscripts have not been published before and are free from defects.
4. Authors shall inform the editorial office about conflict of interest and its possible avoidance.
5. Authors shall respect copyright laws. Relevant consent shall be obtained in the case of protected materials.
6. Authors shall reveal the source of financing.
7. Authors shall immediately inform the ediitorial board about the detected errors in the already-published text.

1. Reviewers play a crucial role in the process of accepting articles for publication. Their opinions shall have a key impact on the decisions made by the editorial board.
2. Reviewers shall prepare anonymous, accurate, and unambiguous reviews based on the review form.
3. Reviewers shall comply with the principles of confidentiality. They shall neither discuss not share the manuscript with third parties, unless they obtain the consent of the editorial office.
4. Reviewers shall adhere to the fixed deadline. They shall also inform the editorial office about possible delay.
5. Reviewers' opinions shall be explicit and free from personal remarks.
6. Revievers shall inform the editorial office about conflict of interest.
7. Reviewers shall inform the editorial office about any non-compliance found.

Provisions on non-compliance
"Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" [Human and Society] editorial office shall attach great importance to scientific integrity. Practices such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghost authorship, guest autorship, gift authorship and fabrication of data shall be eliminated in particular. Therefore, the following principles have been established:

1. Should the editorial office find any non-compliance, it shall take appropriate measures to explain the circumstances.
2. During the investigation, the editorial office shall inform the author about the objections and later, become familiar with the author's response.
3. Should the editorial office discover unintended errors or minor inaccuracies regarding the autorship, it shall add the errata.
4. Should the editorial office discover serious non-compliance, it shall decide to retract a manuscript and in consequence, make the information public.
5. To prevent plagiarism and self-plagiarism, the editorial office shall use special software.
6. in the case of serious non-compliance, the editorial office shall inform relevant authorities.

For Authors

1. Submitting a manuscript by the Licensor, hereinafter referred to as "Author", shall be tantamount to accepting the regulations specified on the journal's webiste. The Author shall grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to the Licensee, hereinafter referred to as "Publisher" (Act on Copyright and Related Rights, 1994). The licence allows for:
a) recording the Work;
b) copying the Work in printed and electronic form;
c) distribution of the Work;
d) public display and sharing of the Work;
e) incorporating the Work into collective work;
f) uploading the Work to electronic platforms or other sources such as the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, or to a different network.
2. The CC-BY-ND 4.0 License entitles the Publisher to copy, change, distribute, display, and perform the Work provided proper attribution to the Author is given.
3. Upon submitting the Work, the Author shall fill in, sign, and send a scanned copy of Appendix No. 3 (Agreement to grant royalty-free license to works with a commitment to grant sub-license CC)
4. In order to prevent scientific integrity violation (ghostwriting and guest authorship), the editorial office shall implement adequate procedures:
Authors are required to discolse information about the contribution of individual authors in the creation of the publication. Authors are also required to disclose information about the sources of funding of their articles as well as about the contribution of research institutions, associations, and other entities.
The editorial office shall keep track of the procedure and all forms of scientific misconduct, especially violating the ethical rules that need to be followed in the scientific research shall be reported.

Review process

Upon receiving an article, the author shall be notified by e-mail. Further agreements between the editorial office, reviewers, and the author shall also be carried out via e-mail.

Each article shall undergo a two-stage review process - internal and external. Upon completing the internal review process successfully, the article shall be sent to external reviewers who hold, at least, University Professor title and work in research centres other than those the authors are affiliiated with.

Upon completing the external review process, the author shall be notified about its results and further suggestions. In case the review contains some critical remarks, the author shall include them in the text. After correction and obtaining a positive review, the article shall be accepted for publication. The editors reserve the right to make both language corrections and minor editorial changes without consulting the author. Editors shall make every effort to provide qualified reviewers and to ensure reviewers and authors do not maintain any close relations. Editors shall also make every effort to prevent conflict of interest. During the reviewing procedure, the principles of confidentiality and anonymity shall be kept.

Review form