Opening Up Space. Everyday Life Practices and the Work of Piotr Paziński
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subjectivised space

How to Cite

Rosiński, C. (2015). Opening Up Space. Everyday Life Practices and the Work of Piotr Paziński. Forum of Poetics, (1), 52–59.


The text, concerned with the prose work of Piotr Paziński, focuses on the performative activities of his characters, who acquire the ability to create spatial meanings, situated at the intersection of historical events and individual experience. The causality of character becomes joined with everyday life practices as theorized by Michel de Certeau. The interactivity of characters and space expands the category of the performative turn to include not only the causality of people, but also geometric space, which  – acquiring subjectivity – becomes an active participant in the creation of meanings.
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