George Eliot, George Henry Lewes and the Mechanisms of Literary Influence
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poetics of the novel

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Jauksz, M. (2017). George Eliot, George Henry Lewes and the Mechanisms of Literary Influence. Forum of Poetics, (7), 18–31.


The article’s aim is to analyze some of the nineteenth-century transitions within the poetics of the novel as influenced by the development of psychology and other social studies. The case of an intellectual interaction between George Eliot and George Henry Lewes, partners both in life and in literary interests, permits observation of how closely the aims of realistic writers were able to be aligned with social studies scholars’ ambitions to discover the mechanism of human psyche. Observed from Virginia Woolf’s perspective, Eliot’s Scenes from Clerical Life and Middlemarch offer examples of how Lewes’s studies influenced to some extent the shape of Eliot’s literary projects.
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