This article describes the academic murder mystery as a particular hybrid of the campus novel and crime novel. The genre began to evolve in the 1930s in English-language literature and continues to enjoy popularity today. Attempts to write in this genre have recently been taken up in Poland as well.
Cross, Amanda. Death in a Tenured Position, 1988.
Gazda, Grzegorz. Słownik rodzajów i gatunków literackich: nowe wydanie, 2012.
Kraskowska, Ewa. „kademickie kryminały Amandy Cross”. Nowa Dekada Krakowska, nr 1–2 (2015).
Showalter, Elaine. Faculty Towers the Academic Novel and Its Discontents. Philadelphia, 2005.
Showalter, Elaine. Wydziałowe wieże: powieść akademicka i jej źródła (cierpień). Wydawnictwo „Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne”, 2015.
Urbańczyk, Aleksandra. „W głębokiej studni”. Forum Akademickie, nr 3 (2015)
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