Poetry as mixed media: Darek Foks’s Eurydyka [Eurydice]
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How to Cite

Kałuża, A. (2024). Poetry as mixed media: Darek Foks’s Eurydyka [Eurydice]. Forum of Poetics, (36), 116–131. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2024.36.45174


The article “Poetry as mixed media: Darek Foks’s Eurydyka [Eurydice]” discusses a unique multimodal nature of Darek Foks’s photobook Eurydyka. Focusing on three issues – the tradition of the photobook, an understanding of ​​photography, and the aesthetics of representing the female body – the author argues that the three media that constitute the book (text, photographs and, implicitly, film) should not be construed as separate orders of meaning but as different levels of readability and visibility.

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