Rola Nefertiti w religii i polityce okresu amarneńskiego
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Amarna Period
origin of Nefertiti
titulary of Nefertiti
political role
religious role
Anchcheperure Neferneferuaton
Ankhkheperure Semenkhkare

How to Cite

Kloska, M. (2016). Rola Nefertiti w religii i polityce okresu amarneńskiego. Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, 21, 149–175.


Nefertiti, the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, fulfilled several important functions in both the religion and politics of the Amarna Period. The very name of Nefertiti, Nfr-nfr.w-jtn, which translates as The Beautiful is Beauty of Aten, The Beautiful One Has Come, shows how important was the role she played in representing the qualities of the sun god Akhetaten. Nefertiti was presented as The Great Wife of the King but also The Lady of the Two Lands. These titles are indicative of her strong position in politics, because in ancient Egypt, religion and ideology of royal power were inextricably linked. Apparently, the queen was identified with the ruler. This is evidenced, for example, in the scenes from talatat, where Nefertiti was presented on the board of a ceremonial ship pulling a captive by his or her hair and massacring him or her with a khepesh sword, held in the other hand. Very important is the sacral dimension of Nefertiti, because apart from holding significant religious and political functions, she was also deified. Nefertiti’s divine status is best illustrated and confirmed in Akhenaten’s sarcophagus. At each corner, the queen is shown with outstretched arms, covering and protecting the deceased ruler. Recent discoveries in great Wadi Dayr Abu Hinnis indicate that in 16 Year of Akhenaten’s reign, Nefertiti was still alive and was the highest queen. This sheds new light on the Amarna Period. It cannot be ruled out that Nefertiti, as Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaton, held the function of Akhenaten’s coregent, and after her husband’s death, ruled independently as Anchcheperure Semenchakare.
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