Researching Historical Consultancy in the CEE Region and in Global Contex
Okładka czasopisma Homo Ludens, nr 1(17), rok 2024
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Mochocki, M. (2024). Researching Historical Consultancy in the CEE Region and in Global Contex. Homo Ludens, (1(17), 7–12. Pobrano z


It is my utmost pleasure to welcome the reader to the special issue of Homo Ludens, the official journal of the Games Research Association of Poland. This issue is the output of research project 937/24 in the programme titled Development of Creative Sectors, carried out by GRAP with grant funding from the Center for the Development of Creative Industries. The aim of the project was two-fold. Firstly, to examine the formats and practices of historical consultancy in games, with primary focus on Central and Eastern European video game industries. Secondly, to identify the key professional competences of histgameconsultants and to offer solutions for the inclusion of relevant training in formal education at faculties of history in Poland. Overall, the research was divided into four tasks, which informed the six (plus one) papers in this collection.

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Mochocki, M., Kot, Y.I. (2024a). Historical Consultants in the CEE Video Game Industry. Part 1: Good and Bad Practices. Homo Ludens, 17(1/2024).

Mochocki, M., Kot, Y.I. (2024b). Historical Consultants in the CEE Video Game Industry. Part 2: Competence Building. Homo Ludens, 17(1/2024).

Mochocki, M., Kot, Y.I. (2024c). Historical Consulting for Digital Games: From General Reflections to CEE Game Industries. Homo Ludens, 17(1/2024).

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