The Significance of Qualitative Research – Arts-based Research in Special Needs Education and Music Therapy
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arts-based research
music therapy
special needs education

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Knapik-Szweda, S. . (2019). The Significance of Qualitative Research – Arts-based Research in Special Needs Education and Music Therapy. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (26), 369–388.


One of the functions of art is understanding an individual and his or her potential. Art provides an individual with proper conditions and gives new opportunities to function regardless of one’s age and disability. The purpose of this article is to get the reader acquainted with the significance of qualitative research especially in the context of arts-based research in special needs education and music therapy. In theoretical part, the authoress will attempt to answer the question of what benefits this research method brings and why it is useful. What is to be described at the beginning quite extensively is the situation of research in special education and music therapy as a scientific discipline. This presentation will smoothly lead the reader to the essence of article, i.e. the arts-based research method. The definitions of arts-based research will be presented together with differences resulting from defining the notions connected with art. Examples will also be provided of research based on art resulting from the combination of two disciplines such as special needs education and music therapy. Moreover, the authoress will demonstrate her own research based on art with the application of music which emphasizes the significance of changes that occur within the music therapy process. Finally, the arguments which emphasize the significance of artsbased research will be mentioned.
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