Disability studies and the nature of discriminatory attitudes
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disability studies

How to Cite

Wlazło, M. (2018). Disability studies and the nature of discriminatory attitudes. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (16), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2017.16.07


Alongside the development of disability studies (interdisciplinary and critical studies on disability), the awareness of “false universalization of disability” increased. It was realized that both theoretical and practical abuse is to treat disability as the main and even the only factor that binds the environment of people with disabilities. The configurations of the aspects of oppression and discriminatory attitudes have been in fact much more complex and elaborate than it was originally thought according to the promotion of the social model of disability. This article addresses the problem of multiple and simultaneous oppression, in which disability co-exists among other factors, e.g. gender, race or age as equally important with respect to marginalization, violation of rights and social exclusion.

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