Sytuacja niepełnosprawnych sensorycznie w obszarze edukacji i aktywności zawodowej w opinii przedstawicieli środowiska osób niesłyszących i niewidzących
PDF (English)

Słowa kluczowe

sensory disability
hearing impairment
visual impairment
education of persons with sensory disabilities
work and employment of deaf and blind people
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Jak cytować

Zaorska, M. (2018). Sytuacja niepełnosprawnych sensorycznie w obszarze edukacji i aktywności zawodowej w opinii przedstawicieli środowiska osób niesłyszących i niewidzących. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (18), 13–28.


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the United Nations on December 13, 2006, signed by the Government of Poland on March 20, 2007, and ratified on September 6, 2012, obliges to respect all the provisions contained in this document, including those concerning access to universal education, the labour market and employment. However, from a practical point of view, there are many barriers and problems experienced by different environments of people with disabilities in the enforcement of their rights. Hence, the article includes the opinions of representatives of the deaf and blind people on current restrictions and discrimination, as well as proposals addressed to the education and work and employment spheres of those participating in the debates organized under the project „Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – a common cause”, the main contractor of which is the Polish Forum of People with Disabilities.
PDF (English)


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