Mothers of children with Tourette’s syndrome


Quality of Life
Tourette syndrome

How to Cite

Khoury, R. (2018). Mothers of children with Tourette’s syndrome. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (19), 171–199.


The purpose of this study was to gather data from the mothers of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS), in order to examine the extent to which the existence of a child with TS in the family affected mothers’ Quality of Life (QOL). The research was conducted according to the qualitative methods. Data was collected from semistructures interviews with 50 mothers of children with TS. The interviews were analyzed using a content analysis method. Conclusions derived from the research findings found that lack of accurate diagnosis and information leaded mothers to a state of imbalance and great stress. When they were given accurate information, they seemed to be more able to advocate for the child with TS and thus preventmisunderstandings, and consequent unpleasant situations and confusion.


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