Role učitele při ovlivňování a zmírňování interetnického napětí ve společnosti
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student Roma
interethnic relations in society

Jak cytować

Balvín, J. (2015). Role učitele při ovlivňování a zmírňování interetnického napětí ve společnosti. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (9), 135–152.


The author of this paper, wants to present one of the most important issues concerning the relationship between the teachers of Roma pupils to Roma children and their parents, which is important for the development of tolerant inter-ethnic relations and to calm ethnic tensions between Roma and the majority population. This study is a response to a series of anti-Roma racist events that took place in the Czech Republic in 2012 and 2013. This topic is important not only directly for teachers of Roma pupils, but also in general for all teachers in schools Czech, but it can be inspiring for schools in other European countries. Preparation of teachers in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in a multicultural environment is not only an educational purpose, but also affects the area ofandragogy, because they work with the teachers of adults (adult education), parents and Roma students and possibly with parents/ students of other nationalities, who represent different cultures. Educator includes these nationalities in the cultural environment of most of the nation.
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