The influence of individual’s swallowing disorders on their functioning in the family and society. The importance of neurologopedic diagnostics. Preliminary research release
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neurologopedic diagnosis
psychosocial functioning

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Zawichrowska, M. . (2021). The influence of individual’s swallowing disorders on their functioning in the family and society. The importance of neurologopedic diagnostics. Preliminary research release. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (32), 65–84.


During my neurologopedic work with patients, I often encounter problems with swallowing that coexist with other disorders associated with neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. This article is an introductory report on the research on the impact of swallowing disorders on the functioning of individuals in the family and society. The described case study concerns a patient with additional health conditions, in whom swallowing disorders (dysphagia) are a consequence of damage to the Central Nervous System (CNS), more specifically cerebrovascular diseases. The article was written on the basis of medical documentation kept from the beginning of the disease, consultations with specialists, as well as an interview with the patient’s family. A key role was also played by neurologopedic diagnosis and subsequent research conducted during the therapy, which allowed for the proper selection of therapeutic agents, proved the efficiency of the therapy, both in the neurological and social sphere.
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