Creating and Weighting Hunspell Dictionariesas Finite-State Automata

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Pirinen, T., & Lindén, K. (2010). Creating and Weighting Hunspell Dictionariesas Finite-State Automata. Investigationes Linguisticae, 21, 1–16.

Liczba wyświetleń: 396

Liczba pobrań: 249


Therearenumerousformatsforwritingspell-checkersforopen-source systems and there are many lexical descriptions for natural languages written in these formats. In this paper, we demonstrate a method for converting Hunspell and related spell-checking lexicons into finite-state automata. We also present a simple way to apply unigram corpus training in order to improve the spellcheckingsuggestionmechanismusingweightedfinite-statetechnology.Whatwe propose is a generic and efficient language-independent framework of weighted finite-stateautomataforspell checkingintypicalopen-sourcesoftware,e.g.Mozilla Firefox, OpenOffice and the Gnome desktop.


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