Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Undirected and Directed Knowledge Graphs

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Sydow, M., Pikuła, M., & Schenkel, R. (2010). Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Undirected and Directed Knowledge Graphs. Investigationes Linguisticae, 21, 76–89. https://doi.org/10.14746/il.2010.21.5

Liczba wyświetleń: 267

Liczba pobrań: 140


The paper concerns a novel problem of summarising entities with limited presentation budget on entity-relationship knowledge graphs and propose an efficient algorithm for solving this problem. The algorithm has been implemented in two variants: undirected and directed, together with a visualisation tool. Experimental user evaluation of the algorithm was conducted on real large semantic knowledge graphs extracted from the web. The reported results of experimental user evaluation are promising and encourage to continue the work on improving the algorithm. 


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